

Support. We accompany our partners step by step. However, there may be a problem or need that need to be solved here and now. We reflect on this with a wide range of solutions - we provide top service throughout Slovakia within a short period of time.

An integral part of our company's portfolio is the provision of comprehensive telecommunications services at several levels. Today, the telecommunications service is provided as a 24/7/365 service to:

  • transmission routes (optical, metallic, access networks)
  • telecommunication equipment (transmission and terminal systems, IP technology, etc.)
  • support systems (power supplies, UPS, cooling, etc.)


We are a company that a partner can rely on in all circumstances. We help to choose the right telecommunication solution - we meet the demanding and less demanding requirements of our partners.


The performance of the service is managed by a continuous dispatching - every single day of the year, day and night. This workplace receives reports on requests of the service intervention, it is also organizationally responsible for its implementation, keeps documentation about the whole process of the intervention.

The intervention technical teams have all necessary equipment including measuring and computer technology, transport and communication means. The employees of the company continuously receive training for specific types of activities or according to customer needs.


First Level Maintenance is provided not only for telecommunication routes and equipment (eg CISCO, ALCATEL, CIENA, MARCONI), but also for non-telecommunication technology (e.g. power and backup sources, air conditioning units, security devices, etc.) implemented in the telecommunications networks of our partners throughout Slovakia.

FLM also ensures the continuous operation and supervision in the SITEL POP collocation and data center including related services for our partners and the operation of a system of metallic and optical connections of individual operators in SITEL POP.