The SITEL POP1 data center has been running continuously since 2000. Its twin SITEL POP2 has been in operation later - since 2001. In other words, our collocation data centers have been operating continuously for 18 years.
The company operates not only the oldest, but also the largest neutral collocation and data center in Slovakia. SITELPOP is a major Central European telecommunications node whose services are used by dozens of foreign and domestic operators.
Neutrality. Flexibility. Security. The three features that most characterize our data center. We started this business in our country. We have set standards and a high level of the provided services.
Information and communication decide about the success today and their importance is constantly growing over time. The world is constantly interconnected, globalization is a reality and cooperation is a necessity.
BMS - Building Managment System
combines the fire protection, safety equipment, air conditioning, power supply and more. It enables client monitoring of the current status via online data output.
SITELPOP is a neutral collocation and data center - telehouse. Nowadays, the company operates three data centers - SITEL POP1 (Bratislava), SITEL POP2 (Bratislava) and SITEL POPKE (Košice).
The data center is a fully controlled, secure and air-conditioned space, built to house sensitive and vital equipment. Artificial intelligence of the building takes care of the data center system (BMS - Building Management System) which has a modular character and integrates all parts of the operation in the building.
Since its inception, SITELPOP centers have been built and operated in accordance with the TIER 3 standard, i.e. all components of the infrastructure in the centre (electricity supply, cooling, cable routes, etc.) are at least n + 1 in redundancy. It allows technology to be replaced or repaired without interruption, increases fault tolerance and in summary ensures a minimum service availability level of 99.999%.
We are a specialist in telecommunication solutions. We provide a whole chain of tailor-made services - construction of optical and metallic routes, construction of data networks, rental of collocation and data spaces, satellite and wireless communication, business activities with products and top service.
the most freedom for customers
commercially neutral and technologically flexible environmentmost areas for customers
more than 1100 m2 of the area equipped in TIER 3 standardmost electricity for customers
almost 1.5 MW of operated backup powermost foreign connections for customers
53 foreign operators on sitemost domestic connections for customers
presence of all backbone networks of Slovakia on the spotmost availability for customers
contractual SLA up to 99.999%
We are a partner of all major telecommunications companies operating on the Slovak market, major domestic and foreign investors and senior suppliers. The use of the services of our data center has another added value - the peering node SITELiX. It is a service for customers of the SITELPOP collocation center which provides 24/7/365 support. Moreover, we offer our partners the option of their own equipment.
A áno, máme aj jednu nevýhodu, respektíve necháme to na vás, či je to skutočne nevýhoda. Oproti iným dátovým centrám ponúkame partnerom možnosť vlastného vybavenia, a teda je na každom, aký stojan alebo klientku si chce umiestniť v predplatenom priestore. Preto je to u nás na pohľad rôznorodé vybavenie - to však len potvrdzuje to, že máme neutralitu a flexibilitu pre partnera.
Come and see
We offer fair business in which both parties are satisfied. We build and keep lasting relationships with our partners as evidenced by very little partner turnover. All activities we do are based on our values. We can meet all the requirements.
It is better to see and experience than to read and compare. Arrange a personal meeting with us or a direct tour of the data center. During the meeting we will discuss the exact specifications of your needs and propose the optimal solution.